SEASON TWO | Episode 2: a guide to luxury VINTAGE | EDINBURGH


EDINBURGH is the grandaddy of vintage. The whole place reeks of the past. You’ll find medieval, Georgian, Victorian, and modern structures nestling in close proximity, and shopping for vintage in the city reflects that.

This is the place I have called home since I was 17 and the shops I am about to share with you are some of my most treasured. Edinburgh is relatively small, so there’s no reason why you can’t stroll from one store to another, soaking up the sites. What are you waiting for? Let’s go vintage shopping.

IN THIS EPISODE the ladies take you around their home town. Guiding you around the vintage stores and charity shops. Telling you where to eat and drink in the city and the best spots for a boogie. We know you can’t travel just now, so allow us to be your virtual tour guide until it’s safe to visit. We hope you enjoy.


SEASON TWO | VINTAGE Episode 3: in conversation with Merle Brown


SEASON TWO | Episode 1: a guide to luxury VINTAGE